Would a good, hard look at your processes benefit your organization? Something you thought was working fine might be causing more problems than you realize. Now you don’t have to guess. You can use analytics to identify problems and suggest solutions.
What should you consider to make processes an extension of your strategy? What benefits can you expect from process improvement initiatives? How does internal auditing lead to operational improvement? What happens when exceptions are the rule, and not the exception? How can analytics improve operational alignment and persuade decision makers to make a change?
To learn the answers to these questions, join this UBM Techwebwebinar on June 11 at noon to find out how process analytics can change your business. Brad Power, noted process innovation consultant and researcher, joins Danny Cates, process evangelist in Lexmark’s Perceptive Software division, to dissect case studies of process improvement success. Brad takes the 50,000 feet view, while Danny gets down into the nuts and bolts of business process magic.
Click here to register for the webinar and we look forward to having you join the conversation.
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